Last night was pretty crazy. I was coming home from lunch with the girls at Chevy's. I'm almost home and I see an older but cute boy walking the other way on the other side of the street. I give him my patented skip-and-a-wave w/ smile/hair-flip crusher and he slowly smiles, waves, and walks on. And I just got this feeeeeling, y'know? Like, this means something. So I get home and my Dad is there and he tells me that we're gonna be hosting a foreign exchange student at our home. Well, all feeeeelings went right out the window and my stomach did a flip-flop. He was going to have little Kawasaki Kid stay here and I'd have to die every night.

But Dad zagged when I thought he was gonna zig. He said that we're hosting a kid named Hisashi and showed me his picture. It was the cute boy from the street! We're gonna re-do the office room and turn it into his room right down the hall from me.
Look at his picture! I'm gonna call him Mr. Bear.
Marina Sealth
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