Dear Diary,
I know that it’s been a while since I’ve made an update. Things get in the way, drama happens, and I just plain forget for a while. Let me try to catch you up on this summer’s crazy happenings.
So Rachel, Angela, and I met at the mall and after we got some Orange Julius (tripleberry!) Rachel told me that she had gone to a crazy party at the end of spring. She said it lasted all night and that she almost lost her virginity! EEEK! I wouldn’t even know what to DO! Anyway she said Lois (who everyone thinks is such a NICE girl) swooped in and stole her guy. She said it was still an epic party though, one that people will talk about even after we’ve graduated.
So after summer started Albert let everyone know that he had heard about what had happened at the party (he was dating Lois at the time) and that he was totally dumping her. I asked Natalie who asked Astrid who asked Father Mike who asked the twins who asked Albert if he might be interested in me. Natalie told me that he said that he wasn’t interested in anyone on the Drill Team. The very next day at the mall Albert shows up and kisses Angela! Everybody flipped out, especially me because Angela is on the Drill Team with me! Ugh! Boys!
So right after Albert goes away C.J. shows up and gives Angela a VERY friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek. RIGHT IN FRONT OF RACHEL! Can you believe it? I know that Rachel was head over heels for the guy and he ditches her for Angela when she’s already dating Albert!? Jeez.
I know that Rachel didn’t let it get her down though. She joined the foreign exchange program’s club and I hear that she’s helping to acclimatize some guy who I hear was an underwear model in Japan. She’ll probably do OK for herself, she’s a Texan after all, but I can’t help to think that she won’t be able to get over that C.J. fiasco.
Annie Oakland keeps mostly to herself these days. I think she trades Pokemon cards or something. She’s so weird. She still shows up for Drill Team practice, though.
I heard that Astrid was thinking about joining the Drill Team, too, but if she doesn’t get to
practice she won’t be able to make the team this year and will have to wait until next year.
Anyway, that’s a basic breakdown of what happened in my circle. I’ll tell you more about what happened to me in my next entry. OH GOSH you wouldn’t believe it. I can’t wait until Felix comes back. It’s so booooring while he goes to visit his parents for the summer. FelixFelixFelixFelixFelix.
Marina Sealth
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