Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Johnnie Peel vs. Jon Shields

Next match:

Johnnie Peel vs. Jon Shields
Johnnie Peel vs. Jon Shields

Johnnie Peel

Jon Shields

For reference:
Link to premise
Link to analysis of the participants

Monday, July 29, 2013

Marc Webster vs. Aaron Campeau

Marc Webster vs. Aaron Campeau
Marc Webster vs. Aaron Campeau

Marc Webster
Aaron Campeau

Friday, July 26, 2013

First Match!

Alex Vs. Harrison
Which Twitter Personality Should Win?

Alex Akita

Harrison Crow

For reference:
Link to premise
Link to analysis of the participants

A Breakdown on the Field

Some items may or may not be true. Relativism rules the day today, bitches!
Alex Akita
Twitter Handle
Seattle Sports Net
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
All around crazy guy. Routinely starts trending memes on twitter. Is hilarious.

Chris Crawford
Twitter Handle
MLB Draft Insider
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Writes for ESPN’s draft blog. Seems really cool on Twitter.

Kenneth Arthur

Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
His name on Twitter is “88bottles of whisky.”


Megan Shear
Twitter Handle
Section 331
Why she would be good to have a beer with:
I’ve never liked her. We disagree on everything and she blocked me on Twitter. Beautiful photos and a passion for the M’s.


Keith Myers
Twitter Handle
12th Man Rising
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Passion for the ‘Hawks.  Runs a blog.


Chris Sullivan
Twitter Handle
30 Acre Fortress (defunct?)
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Makes terrible puns (my kinda guy).


Mariner Mandy
Twitter Handle
Why she would be good to have a beer with:
Politically agree on many things.  Announced engagement via agreeing to terms on a lifetime contract.


Harrison Crow
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Didn’t complain (that I know of) while we were writing for Sodo Mojo together (briefly).


Jacson Bevens
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Almost a caricature of what a man should be. Founded steak and a BJ day.


Brian Nemhauser
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Gregarious, smart, already invites strangers to drink with him.


Jason Churchill
Twitter Handle
Prospect Insider
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
The dichotomy between what seems to be arrogant dickery online and being the nicest guy in real-life blows my mind.


Craig Johnstone
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Writes the Drunkard’s Player Profiles.


Logan Davis
Twitter Handle
Lookout Landing
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Bridging the SeattleSportsInsider and LookoutLanding communities.


Peter Whitmore
Twitter Handle
Seattle Sports Net
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Interacted on Twitter. Seems like an awesome, interesting guy.


Aaron Di Silvestro
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Knowledgable and personable.


Conor Dowley
Twitter Handle
Bullpen Banter
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Passionate about sports. Can speak intelligently on many topics.


Dave Cameron
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
I get creeped out by blinking so he’d be perfect.


Matthew Carruth
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Smart, knowledgable, wastes his time writing about the Mariners.


Jay Yencich
Twitter Handle
Wherever he damn well feels like.
Wye he would be good to have a beer with:
Does to minor-league knowledge what Josh Lueke does to oh God this isn’t going well.


Marc Webster
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Has continued to write about the Mariners for years. Why? Why does he hate himself?


Aaron Campeau
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Has sports and beer in his Twitter profile. Good enough for me.


Lonnie Mathis
Twitter Handle
Mariner’s Central
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
More work for less return than I think I’ve ever seen in my life.


Rick Randall
Twitter Handle
Website  / LookoutLanding
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Smart family man, majors in the minors, has his own website.


Paul Marsh
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Interacted now and again on Twitter. Is a great person.


Jeff Sullivan
Twitter Handle
USSMariner / Fangraphs
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
He’s in Portland. Or near it. Probably. Why would he leave? There’s a non-zero chance he’s in Portland as you read this.


Johnnie Peel
Twitter Handle
Why she would be good to have a beer with:
More passion than all of the jabronis on this list put together.


Danny Kelly
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
He took over FieldGulls from John Morgan using what I can only assume to have been extreme violence.


Scott Weber
Twitter Handle
Lookout Landing
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Took over Lookout Landing after Jeff Sullivan departed. It’s still going. Strong.


Nathan Bishop
Twitter Handle
Lookout Landing
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Lives in Port Orchard. (So, you know, pity.)


Lisa Gilmore
Twitter Handle
Compass Rosy
Why she would be good to have a beer with:
Been writing about the Mariners for years and has become really good at it.


Jon Shields
Twitter Handle
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Lives in Battle Ground, WA which may be a metaphor or something.


Kyle Davis
Twitter Handle
Lookout Landing/ TheTranceOfWaiting.wordpress
Why he would be good to have a beer with:
Another one with both Sports and Beer in their Twitter profile. Also, contributes to BeerGraphs.